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Love your business! Love your Impact!
Build a Profitable Service Business with Predictable Income

Transform your service business into a money making machine in just 4 months with ProfitMaker Academy.


Learn to build a predictable income stream, attract high-quality customers, develop a confident mindset, and implement efficient processes.

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Are you ready to design your profitable business that fuels your freedom?

Do you feel like you're on a rollercoaster of frustration in your service-based business?

Have you ever felt the frustration of putting all your effort into your service business, but still struggling to attract high-ticket clients and maintain a consistent income? You still find yourself questioning your pricing and longing for a more balanced life.


Despite your dream and hard work, without a clear strategy, your business can become a coaster ride of ups and downs, leaving you burnt out and questioning your dream of success.

Staying in the same place would mean ...

  • Another year of inconsistent income.

  • Constant anxiety about attracting new clients.

  • Feeling undervalued and unable to command premium rates.

  • Burning out from the endless hustle and long hours.

  • Losing the passion and fulfilment you once felt for your work.

Is this the future you envision for your service business?

Break free from the project-to-project cycle and experience a consistent income stream that extends beyond individual projects or client payments!

Picture a steady flow of high-quality leads, excited to work with you and value your expertise. This isn't a pipe dream; it's the reality of a service business designed for predictability.

Think about when you are having all of this:

  • No more scrambling to find your next client, wondering how to pay your next bills.

  • The freedom to plan for the future, knowing your income is reliable and consistent.

  • The confidence to invest in your business and take it to the next level.

Aiming for more impact in your business and life?


your gateway to impact & consistent income
where you learn how to create your profitable service business

breakthrough 1

Build a predictable income stream that supports your lifestyle and goals

breakthrough 3

Develop a confident mindset that empowers you to charge premium rates and own your value

breakthrough 2

Attract a steady stream of high-quality clients who are eager to invest into your services

 breakthrough 4

Implement efficient systems and automation to free up your time for higher paid services

A Model in White and Brown

Go beyond information! Get tangible results!

Get ready to achieve your desired results with Profit Academy! We are thrilled to provide you with all the necessary tools and support to turn your knowledge into action and help build your thriving service business. Let's make your impact big!

Online course platform

Learn, revisit, and apply strategies at your own pace. Lifetime access to all modules, including updates and fresh content to stay ahead of the curve.

Get unstuck! Fast! On Slack

Get actionable support on Slack! Ask questions throughout the course and while implementing strategies. We are here to guide you every step of your way.

Weekly live coaching

Get personalized support and clear direction. Ask questions, share challenges, and benefit from the collective insights of your group. We guide you through implementation and help you overcome obstacles.


Connect with your tribe of service-based business owners who understand your journey. Share experiences, get valuable peer insights, offer encouragement, and celebrate successes together."

Here comes your 16-week-course for big impact

Get excited for the learning modules inside the ProfitMaker Academy

Lets's talk investment

You're likely wondering about the investment required for ProfitMaker Academy. Here's the deal: ProfitMaker Academy isn't a one-off, quick-fix program that leaves you chasing the next "magic bullet." It's a comprehensive transformation journey designed to build your sustainable, thriving service business – one that fuels your income and your life.

The real question to you is:

Are you ready to transform your service business from a project-to-project jo-jo into a predictable income machine? Since implementing the strategies from the ProfitMaker Academy, I haven't experienced a single zero-income month. If consistent revenue is your goal, you've come to the right place!

Go for your Growth Potential: Choose your ProfitMaker Plan

ProfitMaker Academy empowers ambitious service entrepreneurs like you to build their business they love, a business that deliver predictable month-to-month income. Our standard plan offers 4 monthly installments, allowing you to spread the investment over the 16-week-period of the ProfitMakerAcademy. For those who prefer a faster track and want to unlock an extra cash-bonus of EUR 400 instant discount, we offer a one-time payment option:

Breakthrough from in-consistent to in-control!

 ProfitMaker Academy Pricing Plans

ProfitMaker Academy is a 4-month intensive online program designed to build your service business you love, that generates a consistent, predictable income stream for you every month.

Here is how you can sign-up for your Predictable Income Machine!

It's Bonus time!

Wow, have we got a treat for you! You are in for a real treat with not just one, but TWO incredible bonuses valued at an amazing EUR 947! These bonuses are specifically designed to help you achieve consistent income and impact even faster. Get ready to take your success to the next level!

Bonus 1: Building Your Confidence Edge


By the end of this module, you'll have developed a confident mindset and the skills to communicate your expertise effectively. You'll silence self-doubt and be ready to own your value proposition with confidence.


  • Value Proposition Statement Template: Craft a compelling statement that showcases your unique value.

  • Confidence-Building Toolkit: Access a collection of exercises and techniques to boost your self-belief.

SECTION 1: From Self-Doubt to Self-Belief:

  • Identify Your Confidence Killers:  Explore the common challenges service business owners face and how they can impact your self-belief.

  • Owning Your Expertise:  Learn to confidently articulate your unique value proposition and the results you deliver for clients.

  • Building Confidence in Action:  Develop practical exercises and techniques to overcome self-doubt and project unshakeable confidence.

SECTION 2: Communicating Your Value with Clarity:

  • Crafting Powerful Statements:  Create clear and concise messages that communicate your expertise and justify premium pricing.

  • Practice Makes Perfect:  Refine your communication skills through role-playing exercises and receive personalized feedback.

Bonus 2: Mastering the Sales Pitch


By the end of this module, you'll have developed a powerful sales pitch and mastered storytelling techniques  to attract high-value clients.


  • Signature Pitch Template: Craft a personalized pitch that showcases your unique value proposition.

SECTION 1: Crafting Your Signature Pitch:

  • The Problem-Solution Formula:  Structure your pitch to address your ideal client's pain points and showcase your solutions.

  • The Power of Storytelling:  Learn how to integrate storytelling techniques to create a memorable and impactful pitch that resonates with clients.

  • Practice & Perfect Your Pitch:  Refine your pitch through live simulations and receive personalized feedback from instructors.

Get ready to take action and see results! At ProfitMaker Academy, we don't just stop providing information, we empower you to turn your knowledge into action.

Imagine, what will change for you when ...

... you know your time wasters

and you automate routine and recurrings tasks with the right tool, that you are not afraid of and can use confidently.

... you know the expected amount of revenue every month

thanks to a system of proactive billing and streamlined collections, eliminating late payments and ensuring a predictable cash flow.

... you start with valuable project work right away

when you have implemented a proven system to streamline your client onboarding process.

... you stop discounting every new client

thanks to a proven method for crafting your individual value proposition.

... you are freed from the constant hustle of finding new clients

thanks to proven strategies to increase revenue through upselling and cross-selling techniques.

... you are freeing up busy time

by efficient workflow strategies and automation tools and you can focus on high-impact work for your clients and also learning.

Ready to Take Control of Your Service Business?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by inconsistent income? Do you dream of building a service business that fuels your passion and provides the freedom and fulfilment you deserve?

If so, ProfitMaker Academy is just for you!

We invite you to a proven system for building a thriving service business you love. Here's what sets us apart:

Are you rather waiting for the perfect moment?

The power to choose is in your hands!

Choice 1

(the easier way)


in the status quo?


feeling stuck and frustrated with limited income.

Choice 2

(the better way)


your full potential?


into ProfitMaker Academy to build a service business you love.

Take charge of your business today and go from inconsistent to incontrol!

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